Friday, May 4, 2018

May 7-11

Thank you to everyone who came to Knowledge Night last night. It was so fun to show off everything we have been working on this year. It's hard to be believe we only have a few weeks left before the last day of school, but there are still things to learn! Here is what is going on this week:

Shh, it's a surprise for our moms! Mothers Day is coming up and students are working on special cards to honor their mom. I won't tell you more but it's sure to be sweet!

This week we are focusing on government. Students will learn about the function of the mayor, governor, and president and the names of each. They will also take place in a mock election, where students are voting for their favorite candy. They will register to vote, vote in the primary election where the candidates from the chewy party and the chocolate party will be chosen. Then students will create a campaign poster to promote their candidate. Then they will participate in the general election to choose the winner!

Math and Social Studies:
These subjects are combined this week as students are beginning a big project on financial literacy. Students are participating in a simulation where they will earn a salary for doing a job, create a budget and pick a place to live that is appropriate for their salary, and move into their new community. Students will learn about saving money and needs versus wants. They will also learn about credit and interest. It's sure to be a fun few weeks!

May 8th: Spirit Night at Phil's Ice House
May 16th: Field Trip to Austin Humane Society
May 25th: Class party and awards ceremony
May 29th: Last Day of School

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