Friday, September 29, 2017

October 2nd-6th

Hello everyone,

Here is what is going on in second grade this week:

We're continuing to focus on expository writing. Students are busy writing about a topic they know very well. They are writing to explain the topic rather than tell a story about it. Students will focus on complete sentences and capital letters and practice editing and revising their story to improve it. By the end of the week, it is our goal to have every student have a story published and in their writing portfolio.

To go along with our expository writing, we're studying informational texts in reading. Students will learn about non-fiction text features and how they help the reader understand the topic. We will go on a scavenger hunt to find the features we are learning about and read lots of non-fiction books to see how they are used.

Two digit subtraction is the topic this week. We will practice lining up our numbers vertically and using base-ten blocks to subtract. We will also use a number line to help us hop backwards in order to subtract. Students will also solve many word problems to put those subtraction skills to work. At the end of the week, students will take an assessment over addition and subtraction to see what they learned.

Social Studies:
We're still working on good citizenship. This week we will look at good citizens in our community, what they do, and how they help us. We also will talk about various national and Texas symbols and what they mean to the country.

Question of the week:
What are hieroglyphs?

Library day: Thursday. Send back books.
No school on Monday the 9th or Tuesday the 10th.
Field Trip: October 17th- sack lunch and close-toed shoes.

Monday, September 25, 2017

September 25-29

We're focusing on expository writing this week. This means students will think of subjects in which they are experts and write about those. Maybe your child knows a lot about dogs, they could write about how to care for a dog. Or maybe they know a lot about swimming, they could write about the different swimming strokes. Students will brainstorm possible topics and then write brief stories sharing their knowledge.

Social studies and reading are integrated this week as we study good citizenship. Students will learn the difference between rights and privileges and learn what responsibilities a good citizen has. We will also read about some past good citizens, such as Paul Revere and Abigail Adams and see what good citizenship traits they possessed.

This week we are moving into two digit addition. Students will learn several different strategies to help them add, such as splitting the second number into parts and partial sums. This week we are not learning the traditional regrouping algorithm. We want students to have a solid understanding of numbers and place value before we learn that strategy so we ask please don't focus on it at home.

Our study of matter and physical properties continues with several fun experiments on changing matter. We will freeze liquids to see how we can change the state of matter. We will also make paper airplanes and pipe cleaner towers to focus on physical properties.

Question of the week:
If blood is red, why do our veins look blue? 

Friday, September 15, 2017

September 18-22

We're continuing to build on our writer's workshop skills as we work on our personal narratives. We will talk about how to peer conference with a buddy, how to publish a finished story, and how to begin a new story. Published stories will go into our writer's portfolio.

Edward the Emu is our book of the week. We are working on making predictions and continuing to practice retelling the story. Ask your child to make predictions before reading at night! Later in the week, we will read the sequel, Edwina the Emu and compare and contrast the two books.

Hi-ya! We're math ninjas this week as we begin our review of subtraction facts. We will practice taking apart number sentences to figure out the whole, the part, and the missing part. Continue to quiz your child on their addition and subtraction facts!

We're studying matter this week. We will practice identifying different forms of matter and classify them into groups. We will look at the difference between solids and liquids and how we can transform one into the other. At the end of the week, we will make a creation that contains all 3 forms of matter!

Library check out day- Thursday
Spelling test and life journals due on Fridays. 

Sunday, September 10, 2017

September 11-15

Here is what is going on in second grade this week:

Writer's workshop will continue. We are focusing on writing with complete sentences and correct punctuation. Students will work on creating personal narratives with a clear beginning, middle, and end to their story. Students will also begin peer conferencing and practice providing clear, helpful feedback to their partner.

This week we're focusing on the great author, Kevin Henkes by comparing two of his books, Sheila Rae the Brave and Chester's Way. We will compare the main characters and use deeper adjectives to describe them. We will also learn some interesting new vocabulary words.

Addition is the spotlight this week as we dive into basic addition strategies. We want all second graders to be able to automatically recall their basic facts (0-20) so we're reviewing counting on, flip flop facts, fact families, and friends of ten. We will play games and complete several activities to really let these strategies sink in.

We are learning about physical properties of materials this week. Students will use scientific language to describe different aspects of materials such as their shoe. Students will focus on color, size, shape, texture, and flexibility.

Join the PTA- they do so much for our second graders and your help makes a huge difference.

Friday, September 1, 2017

September 5-8

Here's what is going on in second grade this week:

We're continuing to launch writer's workshop by working through the writing process. Students will practice generating ideas, building stamina, and writing a clear beginning, middle, and end. We will work on finishing our five finger story from last week and edit for capital letters and punctuation.

This week we're focusing on A Bad Case of Stripes. We are working on retelling the story and building our vocabulary with interesting words from the story. We also will work on launching the second part of reader's workshop, read to a buddy. Readers will practice the correct way to sit, read, and share with a partner.

Our study of 2 digit numbers will continue as we practice our different number forms, including standard form, block form, expanded form, and word form. We will play games and do different activities to help students learn the different forms.

This week we are thinking like scientists! We will look at different tools scientists use, talk about experiment safety and look at different jobs scientists can do. If anyone has a career in a science field, we'd love to hear from you! Please let me know if you want to come talk to the class about what you do for a living.

No school: Monday, September 4th
Back to School Parent Night: Thursday, September 7. K-2: 6:00 pm, 3-5: 7:00 pm.