Friday, November 3, 2017

November 6-10

This week we are focusing on adjectives and incorporating them into our writing. We will practice taking our writing from boring and nondescript to interesting and intriguing! We are also getting into the Thanksgiving spirit as we disguise a turkey to protect him from becoming someone's dinner. Then we will write a story about our turkey using a clear beginning, middle, and end and lots of adjectives.

We are finishing up our study of spiders. After learning lots of new facts about spiders, we are learning not to be frightened of them (Mrs. Alden included!). Students will think about how spiders make them feel and make a connection to someone who feels the same way and be open to someone who might feel differently. At the end of the week, we will read Turk and Runt and talk about making inferences.

Our study of length continues as we focus on the metric system. We will learn about centimeters and meters. We will have our own "meter derby" as we roll cars across the carpet and measure the length they rolled. We will also look at broken rulers and how to measure something if the object isn't lined up with zero on the ruler. We will assess everything we've learned at the end of the week.

We are finishing up sound energy by going outside and describing the sounds we hear. We will learn that sound is caused by something vibrating and the vibrations are affected by the pitch of the noise. Later in the week, we will focus on magnets. Students will go on a magnet hunt and look for magnetic things.

Question of the week:
Cinderella is a common fairy tale that is told all over the world, but the storytellers change it to match their culture. How many different versions of Cinderella can you find? Bonus point: write a Cinderella story from your culture!

Spirit night at Pei Wei: November 9th from 5-9 pm
Thanksgiving lunch: November 15th- our lunch time is different this day! We will be eating in the classroom at 11:00.
Thanksgiving holiday: November 20-24

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