Friday, January 22, 2016

January 25-29

This week we will get to showcase our playground equipment persuasive writing to the RRISD board.  We have guests coming on Wednesday morning to be part of this.  You are invited to come also!  It will start at 8:00 in the cafeteria.

We kicked off our new project based learning on safety and gathering in our neighborhood.  This week we are going to begin gathering data about what safety features we do and do not have in our community.  We will begin the writing process by writing how we can change the neighborhood to make it more safe.  

This week in reading we will continue to identify the main idea in a text and distinguish it from the topic. We will have some fun activities that will help students develop several strategies to help them identify the main idea when reading either a paragraph, story and non-fiction text. When reading with your child at home, ask about the main idea and the supporting details of what was just read.

We are continuing our unit on money this week. We will be learning all the names of the coins and their values. We will continue to practice counting groups of coins up to 1 dollar. Students will learn the difference between using the dollar sign and a decimal point and the cent sign. We will assess at the end of this week.

The iXL activities are great practice for learning the coins and their values as well as counting a group of coins. You also can have your child count your change at the grocery store or if you go out to dinner!

Science and Social Studies:
This week we are going to continue discussing the safety and gathering spots in our neighborhood.  We are going to compare the way our neighborhood looks today with 100 years ago.  We are also going to learn about the positive and negative modifications that have been made.  

Research question of the week: Who was Louis Armstrong?    

Feb. 3rd- Early Release Day
Feb. 3rd- Catfish Parlour
Friday Feb. 12th- Valentine Parties 1:30-2:30
Thursday Feb. 25th- Talent Show (6-7 at Canyon Vista)

Great Kindness Challenge

January 25–January 29 Caraway will participate in the nationwide Great Kindness Challenge. Each student is encouraged to participate by completing a random act of kindness. Students will then write their name, grade, and their act of kindness on a paper hand that they will receive during their Guidance lesson. Please return the hand January 25 through January 29, to their teacher, so that we can help color our world with kindness! Hands will be displayed on the Counselor’s Bulletin Board in the 3rd grade hallway.

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