Friday, November 20, 2015

November 30- December 4th

This week will be all about letter writing! We will review the components of a letter, and write a letter to one of our favorite fictional holiday characters. We will also be studying synonyms and antonyms.

Please remember that Life Journals are due every Friday.
Life Journal expectations are as follows:
1. Students will glue or draw an item in their Life Journals. It could be a movie or game ticket, a picture, a drawing, an envelope with a special letter in it…as long as it can fit in their notebook, students may use it.
2. Students will write at least a paragraph about what was glued or drawn into their Life Journal. The visual placed in a Life Journal will assist in writing about it.

This week in reading we will focus on Media Literacy. We’ll ask students the question, “What is media?” and how does it affect our lives.  Students will use comprehension skills to analyze how words, images, graphics, and sounds work together in various forms to impact meaning. Using media resources, we will discuss different purposes of media (e.x.: informational, entertainment) and identify various written conventions for using digital media (e.g., e-mail, website, video game).

Please remember to read 100 minutes a week at home.  If students read 20 minutes at least 5 days a week, they will reach this goal.  Challenge your child to use more than one strategy they’ve learned in class during their at home reading time.

3 digit place value continues this week. We will practice adding and subtracting 100 from 3 digit numbers and think about different ways to make the same number. For example, 325 can be made of 3 hundreds, 2 tens, and 5 ones, or 32 tens and 5 ones. We will review everything we’ve learned and wrap up the week with an assessment.

iXL: M.5, M.10, M.13

Continue to practice those basic facts! We want every child to be able to recall addition and subtraction facts to 18 automatically!

Social Studies:
It’s National Geography Week!  We will be studying different types of maps and discussing why it’s important to be able to read a map.  We will also learn about globes and where the continents and bodies of water are on Earth.  
We will be engineers this week as we design a bridge to get from Gnome Village to Gnome Market.  We will be working as a team, coming up with a design, building it and testing it out.  If you have any containers you can keep over the Thanksgiving break and send in for us to use that would be wonderful.  

Building supplies:
empty toilet paper rolls
empty paper towel rolls
empty plastic tubs (like yogurt)
empty boxes (like crackers)
Scotch tape would also be helpful for building

Research question of the week: Research a holiday from a different country. Tell what country it is from, why they celebrate it, and what they do to celebrate it.

November 23-27 Thanksgiving Holidays
December 2: Early Release
December 3: Field Trip- sack lunch and closed-toed shoes
December 7-11: Book Fair
December 18-January 4 Winter Break
January 5th First Day back after Winter Break

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