Monday, October 5, 2015

October 5th-9th

WritingThis week we will be learning all about sentence fluency by examining the different parts of a sentence, and building sentences in steps. We will also learn how to combine short, choppy sentences, and detangle long, run-on sentences.

Reading responses will be the focus this week.  After reading a book, students will be asked to respond and share the stories and books they have loved.  Students will be introduced to book study menus.  The menu will have a variety of choices such as creating a mini-book about their story, creating a story quilt with favorite parts of the story, and making a bookmark or advertisement promoting the book.  We’ll ask students if they’ve ever felt like they’ve traveled to the places in their story.  If so, how about create a travel brochure and include the places the character travels to throughout the story?  Throughout the week, students will be introduced to the different menu choices.  This will be an ongoing response menu that students will enjoy throughout the year.
Please remember to read 100 minutes a week at home.  If students read 20 minutes at least 5 days a week, they will reach this goal.  Challenge your child to use more than one strategy they’ve learned in class during their at home reading time.  To encourage them, you can even buy fun sticky notes to use at home!  

We will continue to practice double digit addition with regrouping this week!
Two digit addition problems are much easier when children know their basic facts. iXL is a great online program that your child can use to practice their facts at home. Your child’s username and password are both s followed by their 6 digit number. Each child should have it written in their agenda!

Social Studies:
This week we will focus on being a good citizen by serving our community, school, and homes.  On Monday your child will bring home an envelope that’s a “TOP SECRET- Service Mission”.  It has several types of community service ideas in it.  Once your child completes one take a photo and email it to me.  We will keep this top secret until Friday when I will show the photos to the class and we’ll get to share about our experience.  While at school we will study Harriet Tubman and Paul Revere.  We will learn about how other children are serving their communities also.
This week in science we will continue to study light and begin to study sound as forms of energy.  We will need milk cartons (or juice- or even a shoe box) sent in for each student by Friday because we will be using cartons and rubber bands to make a musical instrument.  If you have a musical instrument at home that you want to share this might be a good time to bring it in to share with the class, too.
Your child can also learn more about energy here:

Question of the week: A bat uses a high pitch sound to “see” in the dark.  What is this ability called and how does it work?

10/7   Nat'l Bike and Walk to School Staff mtg.
10/12   Student holiday
10/28   Early Release Day
Box Tops contest deadline: Friday, October 23

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