Friday, October 24, 2014

October 27-31

October 27th-31st
It’s getting spooky in second grade this week!  We will create a pumpkin and use descriptive writing to explain it in a story.  We will make sure to have a clear beginning, middle, and end.  We will also work on ABC order, creative spelling with the letters h-a-l-l-o-w-e-e-n, pros/cons of eating Halloween candy and most importantly, Halloween safety.

We will finish up and present our Trick or Treat book reports this week. Students will present the characters, setting, the problem and solution, and their favorite part of the story! The pumpkin characters will be due on Monday, October 27th.

3 digit place value continues this week as we look at the different ways we can make numbers. We can make 237 using 237 ones cubes or 2 hundreds, 2 tens, and 17 ones. Later in the week we are digging into problem solving strategies by creating a bank of mental math tips. Our first tip is to make the numbers friendly by taking facts we know and using them to figure out the rest of the problem.

Halloween is on Friday and we thought we’d spice things up a bit with an engineering challenge! Students will be challenged to design and build structures out of toothpicks and gummy pumpkins. Can they build a tower? Can they figure out how to make straight toothpicks curve and build a witch’s hat? What about a bridge?

We are going to have fun exploring what happens to materials when we change their physical properties such as cutting, folding and sanding. We will make physical changes to create paper airplanes.  We’ll be problem solvers by combining materials to build structures and justify the selection of materials based on their physical properties.  Students will have fun singing science rock songs! At the end of the week we will review and assess on changing and combining materials and physical properties.

Red Ribbon Week is this week!
Monday: Red Ribbon Day (Students and staff will receive red ribbons today and are encouraged to wear red ribbons all week long.)
Tuesday: Pair Up and Make Good Choices (Find a friend and dress up as twins.)
Wednesday: Sock It to Drugs Day! (Wear silly/crazy socks to school.)
Thursday: Good Character is Our Super Power (Students and teachers will wear superhero clothing.)
Friday: Rally in Red Day: (Students and teachers will communicate support for Red Ribbon Week by  wearing as many red items as they can. The class with the most red items will win a prize.)

Wednesday, October 29: Early Release - school ends at 12:45pm
Friday, October 31st: Halloween- no costumes at school, please!

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