Friday, September 5, 2014

September 8-12

Hi Parents, 

September 2-5
We will begin our spelling practice this week by learning about words with the short vowel sounds.  We will practice our words at school with various lesson throughout the week.  On Fridays we will assess how well they know the spelling pattern.  We will also focus on writing using sensory language to make up our own ice cream flavors.  We will travel through the writing process during Writer’s Workshop to get our writing in tip-top shape!

This week we will distinguish the features in a sentence. We will look at texts to see how authors capitalize the first letter in a sentence, use different ending punctuation to express meaning, insert commas to show a pause, and uses quotation marks to show dialogue between characters. We will also be learning the importance of making predictions before, during, and after we read books! Students will read independently each day  to  build their reading stamina.

The spelling words focus on short vowel sounds this week.  We will send home your child’s words on Monday to practice throughout the week.   

This week is all about expressing numbers in different forms. We will be learning about standard and expanded form, as well as word form. We will also l be looking at ordering and comparing numbers, using <, >, or = symbols. Number lines will be useful as we look at finding missing numbers. We will learn how to build numbers out of base-10 blocks and learn that each digit in a number has a value. It’s sure to be a great week of building number fluency so we can move into larger numbers!

Science/Social Studies
The big question of the week in Social Studies is, what is a good citizen? Students will finish the sentence “Citizenship means….” We’ll discuss that being a good citizen isn't just about being a good person. We're going to look at historical figures from the past and discuss why they are considered a good citizen. We're going to look at their character traits and learn what contributions they made to their community state and nation. People such as Thurgood Marshall, Irma Rangel, Sojourner Truth, Amelia Earhart, and Theodore Roosevelt and many more. At the end of the week we will pick a historical figure to research and do a fun in class project where we act out that character and present to the class why they were on a good citizen. It’s going to be a lot of fun and engaging learning!

September 8th: 2nd Grade Open House- 6:30pm, PTA meeting 7:00
September 24th: Early Release Day at 12:45 (lunch is served)

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